Life is Hard, Food is Easy
Overcome emotional eating in just 5 easy steps!
This book will give you powerful tools for conquering emotional eating and other barriers to your success.
You will learn:
• Why you eat when you aren’t hungry
• How to get more control over food in your life
• Ways to manage stress, anger or depression without using food
• Simple steps to unlinking food and emotions
• Get past barriers such as sabotage, perfectionism and guilt
Add the Life is Hard, Food is Easy Workbook
This easy fill-in-the blank workbook will helpyou put some of the great ideas into place.
Each chapter in the workbook includes a summary of the key points from “Life is Hard” along with specific questions to answer or explore.
In the space provided after each question, you can write your answers as well as other thoughts and insights.
Life is Hard, Food is Easy — Workbook and Journal
For Recording Lesson Assignments and Insights
Available on Amazon and in most bookstores
Price $10.95
Praise for Life is Hard, Food is Easy
In the Media…
This book will completely change the way people think about food, giving them much-needed tools for successfully losing weight.–Jack Canfield, co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul series
From Readers...
Why didn’t someone tell me about this book 13 years ago? Over this weekend, I put down the chocolate, and I faced the emotions associated with my depression head-on. –Amazon reader
Among Wellness Experts…
A terrific book for people who have struggled with their weight for year and have been unable to get it under control.–John Foreyt, Ph.D., Director Behavioral Medicine Research Center Baylor College of Medicine