“You’ve got to be kidding!”
Carol spit out these words as she stared at her doctor and the white piece of paper she’d just been handed.
“No, I’m not kidding,” replied the doctor.
“As a woman who is 40 pounds overweight, you meet the criteria for mild obesity. You also have underlying conditions of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and borderline diabetes. And you have given me a list of additional problems including fatigue, low-grade depression, trouble sleeping, and poor self-esteem.”
The doctor continued, “The prescription in your hand is for the most state-of-the-art treatment available for this particular diagnosis. If you take this prescription faithfully, I can almost guarantee you’ll see rapid improvement. In addition to that, I predict that after one year on this prescription, most of your current ailments will be resolved.
Carol felt numb as she picked up her purse and got ready to leave. She glanced down at the prescription and read it again.
With irritation in her voice, Carol said, “I can’t believe this is all you are going to offer me. Why can’t you just give me some weight-loss pills?”
The doctor sighed deeply. “I’m so sorry Carol, but this is the only option I see right now. Without this prescription, your condition will NOT improve, and most likely, it will continue to get worse.”
Realizing her doctor was serious, Carol looked down at the paper again and asked, “Where do I get this prescription filled?”
“Look around you,” the doctor replied. “There are hundreds of places you can go. Most are close by and easily accessible. Start by evaluating your basement, areas in your neighborhood, a nearby park, the mall, and a local recreation center or gym.
The doctor continued, “Of course, you can always go to a higher-end private facility as well. You’ll pay a monthly fee for filling the prescription at one of these places, but the extra cost might be worth it.
“Oh and one last thing, please notice that this prescription is for one full year of treatment. Plan to call my office for a follow-up visit when you’re due for a refill.”
Is this for real?
Maybe you haven’t received one of these prescriptions yet. But the chances are that you will sometime soon.
In my 25 years of running a weight-loss center and being a health and weight-loss coach, I’ve found that exercise is one of the hardest areas for overweight people to address. It takes a lot of gentle encouragement and consistent follow-up to see changes in a patient’s exercise patterns.
In recent years, I have found that doctors are changing the way they approach wellness. Many are starting to recognize that exercise may be a better treatment approach than handing out medications. It’s also cost-effective because you don’t have to worry about insurance coverage or whether to fill your prescription by mail.
All you have to do is open your front door. Or find a suitable exercise place in your own home.
Not easy, but necessary
Regardless of your current weight or health picture, I encourage you to start filling this prescription on a full-time basis. If 30 minutes a day isn’t feasible, divide the dose in half or thirds.
You don’t need to make it a hard-core workout or join an expensive gym. All this treatment requires is that you regularly move your body, at whatever speed is practical for you. Simply aim to follow this prescription faithfully for 30 minutes a day.
Popping a pill might seem easier
Certainly, using a weight-loss drug might be easier. But in the long run, this prescription will give you added benefits such as lowering your blood pressure or cholesterol.
It might be the secret to improving every area of your life, including helping you live longer.
This article was published in medium.com
Featured book this month:
Life is Hard, Food is Easy:
The 5-Step Plan to Overcome Emotional Eating and Lose Weight on Any Diet
If your New Year’s plan is not going well, this is the book you need to get back on track. Purchase the workbook as well to help you stay focused and strong in your weight-loss goals.
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