From 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss, Day 93
You can certainly improve your eating patterns by reading good diet books, making new recipes or exploring different types of food.
Just be sure to focus on what you do know about healthy eating and then build it into your daily life.
Here are my answers to the three questions at the end of the lesson.
1. Create your own list of ways to eat right.
Here are the things I strive to do regularly:
Eat a minimum of one fruit per day, usually a banana
Have protein and carbs together
Eat meals at regular times. Growing up on a farm has this pretty ingrained for me.
2. Check your supplies of fruits, vegetables and healthy meal options.
I need a new supply of both fruits and vegetables. My bananas are looking pretty speckled!
It’s time to go grocery shopping for many things. I will do that today.
3. Put your eating right plan in place today. Write down what you did.
I follow a pretty consistent eating routine so that’s not a problem.
I need to eat more vegetables so will make sure that’s on my plan.
I’m also low on fiber because I don’t eat bread or grains very often. Lately I’ve been adding bran cereal to my yogurt at lunch, so that helps.
I do fine with knowing how to eat right. It’s those pesky snacks like cookies that sneak in and get the way of eating right.