From 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss, Day 88
Digging around in junk every day doesn’t make you better.
If you need to, once in a while go look into the backyard and say, “Yes, that’s a lot of junk!” Then leave it there, close the door, and go back to your flowers.
Here are my answers to the three questions at the end of the lesson.
1. Create a short list of junk items or events in your “backyard.”
Grief and not coping well after losing my pregnancies.
Losses of jobs, friendships, many things that didn’t go well in life.
Periods of my life when I was doing unhealthy behaviors.
2. Write the words, “That’s all junk and I’m leaving it there.”
3. Create a list of flowers or beautiful things in your front yard.
I’ve learned how to leave the painful things in my past behind and focus on positive, good things (my flowers.)
Caring about people, building new friendships
Writing new books and articles
Appreciating music
Planning trips, concerts or vacations (I’m good at this)
And I choose every day to leave the junk in the backyard and not even look at it.