When you’re facing the pressure emotions of head hunger, active things such as exercise or yelling at the steering wheel will usually work.
But with heart hunger, you may want solutions that feel more nurturing or soothing such as a warm bath or a massage.
Look for ways to match heart hunger activities with the type of need you’re having. During times you feel sad or lonely, you might find solace in listening to music or reading a good book.
If you tend to get bored easily, consider learning a new hobby or taking a class to awaken your brain.
Come up with a list of activities that will help you appease heart hunger.
As you build this list of “insteads,” look for things you can draw on immediately whenever you feel tempted to eat in response to heart hunger.
Heart hunger “insteads”
• Take a warm bath or a hot shower.
• Hug or hold somebody. If necessary, hug a teddy bear or other stuffed animal.
• Do gardening or other activities that involve nature.
• Get a massage. If that’s not an option for you, massage your own hands or feet.
• Hold or stroke a live animal. Cats and dogs often make wonderful therapists.
• Read inspirational books or happy stories that will help brighten your spirits.
• Cry. Let yourself go until you feel like you’re finished.
• Buy yourself a greeting card and pretend it came from your best friend. Write a love note in it and sign it.
• Listen to your favorite music or CD. Indulgently do nothing while you listen.
Today’s assignment (my answers are in blue)
1. Create an “instead” list for heart hunger. Think of any activities or diversions that would provide comfort or nurturing.
Playing the piano, cooking/baking, reading, listening to music in a safe feeling place such as the chair in my loft with a cup of tea
2. Make several copies of your list, and then put them in places where you can draw on them quickly.
In my online calendar and my coaching notebook
3. Use at least two of them today. Write down some notes about how this worked.
I’ve had several days of feeling very stressed and tired as a result of life changes. The changes are good ones, but I still end up looking for some comfort. I’ve decided that taking my dog for a walk is a great diversion as well as a self-care kind of exercise.
Excerpted from Day 59 in the book 100 Days of Weight Loss