From 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss, Day 53
Even if you believe that your family or boss or lover should do more for you, other people can never fill all the gaps in your life.
It’s up to you to figure out how to get your needs met.
Here are my answers to the three questions at the end of the lesson.
1. When you wake up each morning, ask yourself “What do I need today?” Record several things.
What do I need today?
Connect with a friend
Find passion for my writing and speaking work
Improve my body and fitness level
2. For each item, write an answer to the question, “How can I get it?”
Friend- have coffee with new friend, Karen, and focus on being totally present.
Passion for my work – pull out new writing projects and review them.
Fitness – do 30 min. on treadmill today plus my strength training exercises.
3. Choose one need, then make an action plan for working on it today.
Passion about work-
Pull out work projects – I did this and it really inspired me to start on some new projects
Respond to speaking request, write title and description for my talk. I did this as well, and have a fun trip planned for October to do some speaking at weight-loss groups.