From 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss, Day 43
By tracing back to your earliest recollections of eating a food, you can identify the needs that were met at that time.
When you crave that food now, you are probably experiencing some of the same needs as in your food memory.
Here are my answers to the three questions at the end of the lesson.
1. List several favorite foods that often cause you problems or tempt you to overeat.
Cookies, my favorite are chocolate chip ones
Ice cream, especially homemade or soft serve kind
Banana cake. (this is a new one.) My sister and I often meet at a small restaurant that serves a delicious banana cake with thick cream cheese frosting. Fortunately, we always split a piece of it.
2. Recall events or places where you have eaten these foods, especially as a child. Describe the scenes, including the people you were with.
Cookies-home on the farm, mom baking, cookies cooling on newspapers on the kitchen table.
Ice cream- we made homemade ice cream a lot in the winter. Also went to a small drive up café with great soft-serve.
Banana cake- I often ate this at our large family gatherings. Lots of aunts and uncles there along with my cousins and my grandma.
3. Identify one or two emotions that seem the strongest in each scene. Record your insights including times when that food connects to emotions now.
Cookies- I always connect them with a need to feel safe. (will trace them tomorrow)
Ice cream – happy, fun, respite from the day.
Banana cake – connected to my family, especially my parents and siblings. I loved those large gatherings with lots of noise and people around.
My parents have both been gone for many years, and sometimes I miss them a lot. Banana cake seems to connect me to their memory. It makes me teary-eyed just thinking about it today.