How often do you reach for food just because you see it?
For example, as you walk past your friend’s desk at work, you grab a handful of corn chips and munch away.
You do the same thing with doughnuts at the bank or the free samples at the grocery store.
In all of these situations, you probably weren’t hungry. You also weren’t having any big psychological needs. You simply ate because the food was THERE.
To stop this autopilot eating, tell yourself this magic line:
I don’t eat food because it’s “THERE”
To use this concept effectively, you have to be willing to let food opportunities pass you by. Just because someone brings doughnuts to a staff meeting or serves cookies at a gathering doesn’t mean you have to eat any.
The same is true of chips or appetizers at a happy-hour party. Remind yourself that you don’t have to eat these foods just because they happen to be there.
Today’s assignment (my answers are in blue)
1. In the space below, write the phrase, I don’t eat food just because it’s THERE. Then write the same words on sticky notes and post them wherever you need reminders.
2. Memorize this phrase, focus on it, and integrate it into your day. Record any times when you used this phrase today.
This is one of my favorite tools! I have used it many times at conferences when there’s a snack break (which usually has an array of chips, dips, cookies, etc.)
It’s also a great tool for when I’m at a grocery store and facing one of the “sample” tables. First, I ask myself whether I need fuel. Usually I don’t, because I try to never go to the grocery store when I’m hungry.
Then I consider whether I want to appreciate the flavor of what’s being offered for sampling. My answer is NO. I already know what sausage (or chips or crackers) taste like, so they aren’t offering an unusual flavor that’s worth wasting my calories on.
So in this situation, I walk right past the nice people offering samples, and remind myself, “I don’t eat food because it’s THERE”
3. When tempting snacks show up unexpectedly, quickly remind yourself of your policy, then walk away from the food. Record these experiences below.
I use this tool a lot at grocery stores, bake sales, dessert times, and when I’m at a party where there’s bowls of nuts or M&M’s.
Excerpted from Day 28 in the book, 100 Days of Weight Loss