Instead of setting lofty goals you probably won’t accomplish, I suggest a much easier plan.
This year, strive to be your best YOU.
Over the next year, that might include losing weight or increasing your exercise. [Read more…]
Instead of setting lofty goals you probably won’t accomplish, I suggest a much easier plan.
This year, strive to be your best YOU.
Over the next year, that might include losing weight or increasing your exercise. [Read more…]
Here are my 12 favorite holiday tips. I hope they will be helpful to you, even during this difficult and challenging season.
1. Walk before you eat
Even if it means bundling up in warm winter clothes, take a 20 or 30 min. walk before every holiday meal or event.
2. Don’t skip meals
On days when you have a big, special event, don’t try to “save up” calories by skipping any of your regular meals. [Read more…]
Over and over, you tell yourself you are going to work on losing weight.
You are determined to get back on your exercise program. You also plan to stock up on healthy foods instead of chips and cookies. [Read more…]
I don’t think there has ever been a harder time to lose weight!
Dealing with the Covid virus has challenged all of us, mentally as well as emotionally.
I’ve heard from many of you that the virus has made it really hard to stay motivated for losing or even maintaining your weight. [Read more…]
My name is Toby and here is how my awful life got better.
Last week, an amazing thing happened.
As I walked across the stage at my graduation, my head stayed high as I shook the university president’s hand and accepted my bachelor’s degree. [Read more…]