Confused about how to manage your weight this time of year?
During the holiday season of food and good cheer, bow do you prevent gaining weight?
Should you stay on your low carb plan which pretty much eliminates every holiday treat? [Read more…]
Confused about how to manage your weight this time of year?
During the holiday season of food and good cheer, bow do you prevent gaining weight?
Should you stay on your low carb plan which pretty much eliminates every holiday treat? [Read more…]
Here is a printable list of emotions to use with the book 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss.
Click HERE for list of emotions
Sorry I haven’t been in touch the past month. I’ve been out sick. First I got the terrible flu that’s been going around this year. That took two weeks out of my life!
I’m over it now, and feeling much better physically. But somehow, I’m still dragging around emotionally. I finally figured out what’s going on. I have an emotional cold. [Read more…]
We’d like to think we can push through the roadblocks that hit us in life and stay with our weight-loss efforts in spite of them.
But sometimes, it’s just not realistic and we need to allow ourselves a Grace Period. I’ve been reminded of that myself during the past month. [Read more…]
If you feel like you’ve lost yourself as a result of taking care of others, you may have to make some hard choices around people in your life.
By giving time and energy to yourself as well as to others, you won’t feel as driven to use food as a solution to your own needs. [Read more…]