I don’t like how today is going. Guess I’ll eat something.
Ever have days like this? [Read more…]
I don’t like how today is going. Guess I’ll eat something.
Ever have days like this? [Read more…]
If I eat something, maybe I’ll feel better.
Those words slip out so easily. When you’re tired, stressed, or physically ill, food is often the first thing that comes to mind. [Read more…]
It’s so easy to slip into this friendship!
Most of the time, we don’t really intend to do emotional eating. It’s just that we’re bored or lonely or stressed or angry or upset. [Read more…]
We all know food provides an instant fix.
In our culture of fast-food restaurants and microwave ovens, you can always get your food cravings fulfilled instantly. [Read more…]
Think about how many times you eat for reasons other than to fuel your body. [Read more…]