A few weeks ago, my friend’s daughter had a baby girl.
This cute miniature person sleeps a lot, and doesn’t seem to be contributing much to society. [Read more…]
A few weeks ago, my friend’s daughter had a baby girl.
This cute miniature person sleeps a lot, and doesn’t seem to be contributing much to society. [Read more…]
It’s now been a little over a month since we moved to Iowa. The move went amazingly well and we are beginning to get settled in our new, much smaller home.
It’s a brand new house which means there are added challenges and expenses such as window coverings. But so far, we like the house, the town, and the people we’ve met. [Read more…]
In the U.S., February 14th is designated as Valentine’s Day.
It’s such a strange holiday. If someone gives you chocolates, you can’t eat them because you’re on a diet. But if you don’t get any, you feel sad and left out. [Read more…]
Dee belonged to a diet program that had weekly check-ins.
At noon every Wednesday, she faithfully went to her group meeting and stepped on the scale. [Read more…]
Are you feeling stuck in your diet or weight-loss efforts? When motivation leaves, it’s easy to get stuck and lose hope of things ever being different.
Perhaps you keep promising you’ll change, but you never follow through. Maybe you set goals, but can’t seem to ever get started on them.
When you’re stuck, everything comes to a stand-still. You may even wish for a crisis of some kind, because you’re convinced it’s the only thing that will get you going. [Read more…]
Excerpt #4 from my new book, Friends with the Scale.
When the scale won’t move
“Friends with the Scale,” pg. 131 [Read more…]
In the last couple of posts, I’ve been telling you about a column written by Drs. Oz and Roizen and their recommendations for helping overweight kids.
I didn’t like some of their advice, so I’ve been adding my own twist to what they said. [Read more…]
In the last post, I told you about a column written by Drs. Oz and Roizen and their recommendations for helping overweight kids.
I didn’t like some of their advice, so I’m adding my own twist to what they said.
I’ve already told you my thoughts about their suggestion that you walk or exercise with your child for two hours a day. Here’s their second “great” idea. [Read more…]
In a recent newspaper column by Drs. Oz and Roizen, a reader said:
“I was a fat kid, so I’ve worked hard (sometimes) to stay at a healthy weight as an adult.
Now I have a 4-year-old and he’s becoming overweight too. I don’t want him to go through the same struggle I did. How can I help him?” [Read more…]