“I’ve already blown it, so I might as well go ahead and eat the rest.”
Sound familiar?
But each time you say “I blew it,” you reinforce your sense of failure and disappointment with not staying on your plan. [Read more…]
“I’ve already blown it, so I might as well go ahead and eat the rest.”
Sound familiar?
But each time you say “I blew it,” you reinforce your sense of failure and disappointment with not staying on your plan. [Read more…]
It’s what sets you up for wanting more. [Read more…]
Each time you encounter a food cue or temptation, you eventually decide whether to eat or not eat.
But in most cases, you have only a split second to make this decision. The faster you say “No!” and turn away from the food, the more likely you’ll be able to avoid giving in. [Read more…]
Once you start eating foods such as nuts or candy, their taste or texture can feel almost addicting. [Read more…]
In your efforts to manage your food triggers, one of the best techniques is to create buffers that will protect you from slipping into eating.
Whenever possible, put some distance between you and your high-risk, problem foods. [Read more…]
I was tired, lonely, upset, etc.
You probably don’t have much trouble identifying eating triggers related to food itself. But as you know, lots of non-food triggers can also pull you toward eating. [Read more…]
Food cues or triggers include all those little signals and thoughts that prompt you to eat when you weren’t planning on it.
Both the sight and smell of food can be powerful triggers that make you want to eat. [Read more…]
Most emergency or firehouse crews rely on a process they’ve planned out in advance.
When a call comes in, staff members immediately stop whatever they’re doing and begin using the countdown for tackling the challenge in front of them. [Read more…]
When you’re facing the pressure emotions of head hunger, active things such as exercise or yelling at the steering wheel will usually work. [Read more…]
With heart hunger, the second type of emotional eating, you don’t usually get a specific food craving—you just start thinking about eating. [Read more…]