Testimonials for 100 Days of Weight Loss
Reading this book is like having a devoted friend who is constantly there for you during your weight loss efforts.
As a lifelong emotional eater, I found the daily lessons gave me critical insight and helped me make the changes I needed to be successful.
–Diane Hammerberg, PhD
(Licensed Psychologist)
This fantastic weight-loss book is to the point, accessible and chock full of information you can put to work immediately!
I’m a weight loss surgery patient, and have lost over 120 lbs. The surgery addressed me physically, Linda addressed my head.
–Beth J.
I knew my issues with food were emotional, but I just wasn’t sure where to start dealing with them. This book got me started and now I look forward to each day’s mini-lesson.
–A. S.
This book addresses the emotional issues and habits we have that sabotage our success. I find myself repeating some of the ‘mantras’ like ‘I don’t eat it just because it’s there,’ etc.
–Karen F.
Testimonials for Life is Hard, Food is Easy
This book will completely change the way people think about food, giving them much-needed tools for successfully losing weight.
–Jack Canfield
This book cuts through all the issues about the role of food in our lives and gets to the core of the problem of overeating. Highly recommended.
–John Foreyt, PhD
I just finished reading the book from cover to cover, and I had the amazing feeling that she was writing to me.
–Elizabeth S.
I have gained more insight and USEFUL help from this book than from any other information I’ve read on emotional eating in 20 years. I think anyone with weight issues has some component of emotional eating, and this book will help you identify what those issues are and how to deal with them.
This book was challenging, motivating, and refreshing. For the first time, I read a book that actually made me think about why I’m eating, rather than just teach me about another diet. I am so thankful that I came across this book.
Testimonials from Speaking & Coaching Clients
Linda’s work addresses the emotional aspects of eating and weight loss extremely well. It goes hand-in-hand with the Curves for Women Program. Linda gives lots of realistic and concrete suggestions for figuring out what’s really going on when we overeat.
–Kim Huss
Former Curves Owner
As a dietitian and weight-loss counselor, I have been able to apply and use many of your concepts and methods in my sessions with clients.
–Vanessa Aldaz, MPH, RD
Linda was incredibly enthusiastic, funny and sensitive about a really crucial, painful issue of weight loss. She gave so many tools in an hour I wanted to cheer.
–Sherrie K.
Linda doesn’t just give you theory but real practical steps that you can use to help you achieve success. She presents things in ways you can understand and really use!
–Kay B.