From 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss, Day 18
Sometimes new and fresh ideas can boost your motivation.
But don’t lose sight of what you already know. Pull out the tools that have worked for you in the past and start using them again.
Here are my answers to the 3 questions at the end of the lesson.
1. Make a list of tools or actions that worked great for you in the past.
Tracking my food intake using online program. (
Exercise every day in late afternoon. Record this on my calendar.
Use dot calendar – challenge myself to get more green dots in a row.
Don’t buy ice cream so it isn’t in the house.
2. Choose one of these things that will still work for you. Write it down.
Get back in the habit of late afternoon exercise.
Include cardio as well as strength training and ab exercises.
Track my food today using my online program.
3. Put that tool into your day and use it to stay on your plan. Record how this went.
Sometimes I resist tracking because I get tired of it or it feels like too much work.
But like following a budget to keep finances on track, recording my food intake keeps me more honest and on track with my eating.