From 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss, Day 14
My answers to the 3 questions at the end of the lesson
Shame results from setting up a controversy between good and bad behavior.
When you eliminate the use of these words, you don’t get pulled into a mental battle, and shame doesn’t have any reason to show up.
1. Identify and record a recent time when you ate a cookie or other treat.
Monster cookies from Target
Chocolate mint bar cookie at Starbucks
Frozen yogurt at yogurt shop – LARGE serving
2. Write the words, “I chose to eat…” and add the food you listed above.
I chose to eat…
Cookies, bars, yogurt
I realize I gave myself “permission” because I was stressed, sad, lonely, frustrated. (I deserve a treat!)
3. Each time you eat something today, tell yourself, “I’m choosing to eat this.” Write a note about how that felt.
I will choose to eat healthy foods including a banana with my lunch.
I will choose to eat a small serving of frozen yogurt or none at all.
I will choose to NOT eat cookies.