A few weeks ago, my friend’s daughter had a baby girl.
This cute miniature person sleeps a lot, and doesn’t seem to be contributing much to society.
In fact, sometimes she’s rather irritating as she cries, burps, and messes her diapers.
She still hasn’t learned how to clean her own room or give her mother compliments.
Yet in spite of all her “faults,” we love this baby a lot. We gently hold her, and tell her how wonderful she is and how grateful we are that she’s brightened our world.
We all consider his little person valuable. And we don’t seem to mind that she goes through her days without accomplishing anything.
Did you lose your value?
Do you ever have days when you feel invisible and unimportant? Maybe your weight-loss efforts aren’t going well, and you think you’re a failure. Somehow, you just don’t feel very valuable right now.
But wait! Just like my friend’s new daughter, you became an asset to the world from the time you entered this earth as a tiny baby. You are valuable because you EXIST.
It’s so easy to lose sight of this and start thinking your worth is based on how much you weigh or how you look.
But just like that baby, your true value doesn’t come from the wonderful things you do, the children you raise, or the business you run. Your value comes from being YOU.
Talk to a child
Picture yourself down on your knees in front of a small child. As you look this child in the eye, you might say, “The fact that you ate candy before dinner or broke your toy doesn’t change who you are. You are still valuable regardless of what you did.”
Now treat yourself with the same tenderness and respect as you would that child. In your mind, use a very gentle tone of voice and remind yourself that you are valuable because you are alive.
Practice holding your head up high and telling yourself, “I’m important, I’m valuable, I count in this world.”
When you believe in yourself based on who you are inside, you strengthen your self-confidence in all aspects of your life.
As we go into the holiday season this year, remind yourself daily that you count, and that even on a bad day, you are truly valuable!