These two little words will almost always keep you from being successful.
Think of all the situations where you let these words slip out. For example…
• I can’t stick with an exercise program.
• I can’t resist my mom’s desserts.
• I can’t cook healthy meals.
Right after saying “I can’t”, you always provide some type of legitimate excuse that justifies why you think it’s true.
For example, with your weight-loss efforts, you can easily explain why you can’t eat right or exercise consistently.
Starting today, banish the words “I can’t” from your vocabulary! Instead, think about what’s possible, then substitute the phrase, “I’ll find a way.”
Then add the phrase, “maybe I could…,” then come up with a new action plan for each of these areas.
You can help this along by changing the way you talk about your efforts.
Start labeling all of your challenging goals as hard, but not impossible. Then whenever you think about your struggle, add the phrase, “I’ll find a way.”
Today’s assignment (my answers are in blue)
1. Write a list of things that you believe you can’t do.
Learn how to do internet marketing and blogging
Write another book
Reach my goal weight
2. Several times today, read through the list. With each item, say, “It’s hard to ________ (fill in your I can’t), but I’ll find a way.” Record your favorites.
It’s hard to learn blogging, but I’ll find a way (which I did recently with this blog!)
It’s hard to write another book, but I’ll find a way. (which I’ve now done with my book, Friends with the Scale)
It’s hard to reach my goal weight, but I’ll find a way. (a day at a time)
3. For each item on the list, add the phrase, “Maybe I could…,” and plan at least one action that will help you make progress. Write these ideas below.
Maybe I could…
Set aside writing time for an hour each day.
Take an exercise class such as Zumba.
Excerpted from Day 47 in the book 100 Days of Weight Loss