I guess it wasn’t the right time!
When you struggle with staying on your diet plan, it’s easy to excuse your bad behavior by deciding that it simply wasn’t the right time.
If you’re debating whether or not it’s the right time to be on a weight-loss program, let these questions help you decide:
1. Are you currently facing a major life issue?
For example, are you getting a divorce, moving to a new home, or even finishing a degree?
2. Is something in life demanding a huge amount of your time and energy right now?
Things such as remodeling your home, planning your daughter’s wedding, or even being a school teacher at the end of the year can all take a lot out of you.
3. Are you simply dealing with your ordinary life?
Just because your days are crammed with events, demands at work, and small children doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not the right time to lose weight.
When losing weight becomes important enough, you’ll figure out how to make room for it being the right time.
Today’s assignment (my answers are in blue)
1. Evaluate how your program is going so far. Is this a right time for you to work on losing weight?
I did well for the first 30 days, but have been struggling some lately.
2. If not, make a list of reasons why it doesn’t seem to be the right time. Measure your list against the criteria of major life events or any big issues that demand your time and energy.
It’s not a good time… lots of stresses in life, marketing my newest book, writing materials for a new program with a lot of deadlines
3. If losing weight is truly important to you, make it the right time. In the space below, write a few ideas on how to get around the roadblocks in your daily life and make your diet work in spite of those obstacles.
My goal is to stay strong and committed, in spite of my challenges. I’m working on my exercise program for now, since that brings good stress relief as well as other benefits.
P.S. This is my absolute favorite of the 100 Days lessons. It helps me look at my life from a realistic point of view, and decide if it really isn’t the right time, or if I’m just making a bunch of excuses for why I’m not staying on track.
Once in a while, I’ll simply ask myself whether it’s Day 44!
Excerpted from Day 44 in the book 100 Days of Weight Loss