From 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss, Day 46
Whenever you feel disappointed because something didn’t go the way you wanted, look for the trade-off you got instead.
Instead of letting a disappointment pull you into despair, search for the trade-offs and give yourself a new perspective.
Here are my answers to the three questions at the end of the lesson.
1. Write down a recent disappointment. It can be a small one or a larger, life disappointment.
I’ve had so many disappointments in my life – not being able to have children, financial losses, budget cuts that left me without a job. A recent one is that my book sales are not as strong as I’d hoped.
2. Record your initial response, including whether it made you want to eat something.
Disappointments seem to remind me of previous losses. And yes, I think a lot bout using food for comfort. I especially want cookies, sweets and desserts.
3. Look for a “trade-off” or what you got instead. Describe this in detail.
Sometimes it’s really hard to find the trade-offs. But when I look, I can usually find some. Recently, I’ve been working on learning new things that help my book marketing. Right now, I’m learning more about audio books and it’s been a lot of fun.
Here are links to the audio book versions of my 100 Days books.